Close the INDA and MGM Option positions

August 16, 2017 - 8:19 am

On May 2nd we put a bull spread on INDA for a net credit of $0.20 cents are we are selling it today by buying back the Sept $32 Puts for $0.20 cents and selling the Sept $33 Calls for $1.05 -- gross credit of $0.85 cents. We made a nice profit of 84% on this trade, however we are going to also close our MGM options which have been underwater.

On June 27th we bought MGM Sept $35 Calls for $1.31, and are selling them today for $.07 cents. We also bought back the Sept $29 Puts for $0.29 cents, for a net loss of 100% on this trade. We entered the trade for $0.89 cents are today we pay an additional $0.22 cents to close the positions. This is one of our worst trades this year with a loss of 64%.

For a quick update -- our positions in FCX, ITA, ADSK, MTN and OLED are all up nicely anywhere from 10-45% each.